Thursday 21 June 2012

Hurricanes Video!! ☺☻

How I Got The Video Onto My Blog:
1.  If video is a powerpoint, before you upload it, change it to a Windows Media Video and Save As.
2. Click onto the video-snap button and press upload video.
3. Find the video and press upload.
4. Wait for it to upload then press publish.

Picture 4 U Guys!!

OK OK!! Sorry about the slang but... look how cute this little lamb is from England!! If he can jump into life and achevie his dream of being the first EVER lamb to fly, then YOU can do ANYTHING!! : D

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Term 3 Goals ♥

My Goals For Term 3:
Writing: to increase my vocabulary.
Action by Parent: to give me word finds or something to increase vocabulary..
Action by Teacher: get activity that includes looking for different words that mean the same on the sheet.

Reading: to get out more books at the library at my level of reading and higher.
Action by Parent: Spreading reading time with me for 5 minutes.
Action by Teacher: to get out novels for my group.

Maths: Learn my 6 times table.
Action by Parent: to let me go on Studyladder and Zoowhiz.
Action by Teacher: Test me on different occasions.

Other Areas:  to finish my speech about myself in Chinese with Mrs Smith and Chen - teacher from China.

Sunday 17 June 2012

Natural Disaster Notes

I studied about Hurricanes and Typhoons. Did you know that hurricanes, Typhoons, Cyclones and Tropical Storms are the strongest and most dangerous of storms recorded and experienced.
Bryanna’s powerpoint and speech was about was about Avalanches. There are three types of Avalanche. Wet slab, when the ground/snow is wet from the rain and it slips down the mountain freely and easily. Hard slab, when the ground/snow is disturbed by movement under the mountain or on top of the hill. And, Wind Avalanches. They were created when a down draft onto the mountain.
I also learnt about the Plague, which was Rangi’s choice of natural disaster. The nursery rhyme “Ring a ring of rosies.” That nursery rhyme is created after the Plague. Rats were bitten by fleas, then the rats travelled to big cities, like London and that’s where they bit people’s arms or legs or chest of people while they slept, ate or just sat in a chair for more than a minute.
Olivia’s powerpoint was about Droughts. Droughts mainly happen in Africa and can kill small children in about three to five days. Droughts kill crops, animals, people and cattle.
Sophie and Amy’s powerpoint was both on Snow storms. They mostly happen in Canada and North America. Snow storms can keep you in your house for up to a few days or a few weeks if the snow is hard and thick.
Hannah and Brennan’s powerpoint’s was on Volcanoes. Volcano comes from the Greek god of fire, Vulcan. Volcanoes have been used in lots of movie and have had the BEST title EVER… “Volcano!” Awesome title of what?! The people that study about Volcanoes are called Volcanologists.

Friday 8 June 2012

Homework - Letter to Editor

Dear Editor,
After the natural disater in Lake Okareka, I believe that on the behalf of the community, I think that we should have a Mini Mall. As you may know that Lake Okareka does no longer have a Diary and is forced to drive 10 minutes into town to buy grocery supplies when we can just pop in and by them from a Diary. In the Mini Mall, it should have cafes, small supermarket, bookshops and others.
Yours Sincerely,
Kate & Olivia Wilson

Thursday 7 June 2012

Homework - 7 Natural Wonders of the World!!

I can't really decide so, here is a list of them with their websites:Key:
Red Writing is incoming

 - Auroa Borealis a.k.a The Northern Lights                       8th: Pink And White Terraces
 - The Grand Canyon
 - Ayers Rock
 - The Matterhorn
 - Mount Everest
 - The Meteor Crater
 - Victoria Falls
 - Great Barrier Reef
 - Great Barrier Reef
 - Victoria Falls
 - Mount Everest
 - The Grand Canyon
 - Paricutin
 - The Auroa Borealis a.k.a The Northern Lights
 - Harbor of Rio de Janerio

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Fitness! ♥

Yesterday and Today, we ran 2km AGAIN!!! Yesterday's Time : 12:34. Today we got : 12: something... ☺