Monday 10 September 2012

Waiata Again

Look, look, at my lover
Where is she Where!
I look high
I look low
I look inside my dreams

Waiata ♥

Tiro, Tiro, ki taku tau
Kei hea ra, kei hea
Kei runga, ke
Kei raro, ke
Kei roto i taku moemoea

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Chapter 19 - Something in the Underworld ??

1. The Fields of Asphodel looks like a concert which never will start. There is lots of black grass and satlatices hanging from the ceiling.
2. To get to the Isles of Blest you are reborn three times and three times achieved Elysium.
3. Grover, Percy and Annabeth get to the pit of Tartarus when Grover's baseball flying shoes go out of control because Luke put evil magic on them and he works for Kronos. Whoops, spoiler alert!!
4. Because Hades is a different God and he is more powerful. Percy feels like he should curl up at Hades feet and go to sleep for eternity.
5.The guards were skeletons dressed as redcoat British soliders, Navy people and other soliders. They carried muskets, swords, M-16'S and other grenadey stuff.
6. Hades complains about the cost of stuff, working the staff over, and opening new patches of land for tyhe dead  to stand on. And the cost of Charon's new Italian suits.
7. Percy's backpack got heavy because Zeus's lightning bolt was in there. Dah-dah-dahhhh!!!
8. Percy's choice is hard because he can leave his Mother behind or he has to leave one of his friends. No, I would have choose to stay behind so they can be safe.
9. They prove themselves as friends when they say that they will stay behind.
10. The power of the pearls is that when you stomp on them you go to the sea.