Sunday 18 November 2012

Reading Record - Day 3: 2nd Book

Title: Send Simon Savage
Author: Stephen Measday
Page: 119 - 158

Summary: Danice and Simon are in the 24th century. They got into the city, power station and they were on their way south, to Chieftain's palace when they were caught by the guards. They are now in the Pit. Meanwhile, Taylor, Ivan and Nick are stopping Damien (Danice's brother) and a boy called Lee, from stealing gold off a beached ship.

Thoughts: I like this book.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

2nd Book Reading Day

Title: Send Simon Savage
Author: Stephen Measday
Page: 31 - 119

Summary: Simon is partners with Danice. Danice is from the future, 24th Century. They have gone back to the 24th Century to stop the Chieftain. Dah dah duhhhh.....

Thoughts: I really like this book! ☺

Monday 12 November 2012

Day 1 - For 2nd Book

I Finished Anne Frank - Diary Of A Young Girl.... Sooooo SAD!! :'(

2nd Book:
Title: Send Simon Savage
Author: Stephen Measday
Page: 1 - 31

Summary: Simon was surfing all day and when he was walking home, his neighbour bumped into him and snapped about the big mess outside their house. Simon saw his Sister, Lily outside the house crying. They got inside and these men called Cutler and Anderson came in, scanned and searched and left. They moved them to Bristol, England. Lily and Simon go to school, but Simon's school is a Time Travel Instuite...
Thoughts: It's COOL!! :-)

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Reading Record - Day 9

Title: Anne Frank - The Diary of a Young Girl
Author: Otto H. Frank & Mirjam Pressler (Edited) Susan Massotty (Translator)
Page: 249 - 297

Summary: Anne sent Father an angry letter about her and Peter being a couple and that he should mind his own business. It's was Father's birthday aswell. Prices has also gone up on coffee, tea, butter & etc.

Thoughts: Intense...

Monday 5 November 2012

Reading Record - Day 8

Title: Anne Frank - The Diary of a Young Girl
Author: Otto H. Frank & Mirjam Pressler (Edited) Susan Massotty (Translator)
Pages: 200 - 249

Summary: Anne is in love with Peter Van Daan. She wants him to kiss her on the cheek, but she is scared that he doesn't like her that why. Like just likes her as a girl or sister.Margot likes Peter too.

Thoughts: I'm nearly at the end and I feel really so deeply sorry for Anne and the rest of the Secret Annexe because they died.

Thursday 1 November 2012

Reading Record - Day 7

Ttle: Anne Frank - The Diary of a Young Girl
Author: Otto H. Frank & Mirjam Pressler (Edited) Susan Massotty (Translator)
Pages: 159 - 200

Summary: Anne can't decide which bioys she likes - Peter Van Daan or Peter Schniff. Funny name. Anyway, Mother is cruel to Anne, blaming her for everything that is wrong. And lots more but to tired to say...

Thougts: Interesting.