Wednesday 29 August 2012

Chapter 18 - Annabeth Does Obedience School

1. The security guard was annoyed at Percy because he got his name wrong. Percy called him Charon - like Charon the centaur at Camp Half Blood.
2. Charon finds out that they aren't dead when he sniffed Percy. (What a weirdo!)
3. Percy convinces Charon to let him, Annabeth and Grover though because Percy gave him more drachmas and said that he would promise to talk to Hades about giving Charon a pay raise.
4. The River Styx looks like a oily messy river. Floating on the river were plastic dolls, old crumpled diploma's, bones, fish and crusted carnations. It's fully of lost human hopes, dreams, wishes that they have let go of. There is also mist surrounding the river.
5. The entrance of the Underworld is a well worn path. The entrance looked like a cross between a international airport and a New Jersey spaghetti junction. There where three different entrance ways. At the entrances were metal detecetors and cameras with more people/ghouls. Percy can hear Cerebus but he can't see him. There are two lines that say Order Something Line. And the other line is for EZ Death. The EZ Death line takes them to Asphodel. 
6. I would be judged for m actions because whatever you did you deserve the punishment.
7. Percy plan is to throw the stick away so they can get through to Hades' Palace. It doesn't work um, because Cerebus doesn't like sticks?!
8. Annbeth saves them by basicly puttimng Cerebus in a trance for the big, red ball so they can get into the EZ Death line. Annabeth is able to put Cerebus into quick obedience school. She had a Doberman when she was little.
9. Percy realizes that monsters like Cerebus like balls more than sticks. And that that they only want more attention.
10. If I were Annabeth I would play with Cerebus because, he sounds cute and sweet.

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