Monday 28 May 2012

Marvellous Muesum Trip!!

Today, W2 went to thr Rotorua Muesum on our study of Natural Disaters. We went though 8 Galleries. Here is what we found out:
In Gallery 1, we saw the carving, Pukaki. Pukaki was carved in 1836 and it is a treasure - Taohaa - to the Maori people. I loved Pukaki!
In Gallery 2, we learnt about how the Maori people found there way back to Aotearoa from visiting other tribes. They used the stars, clouds and the sun. We watched a movie aswell which was pretty cool!
In Gallery 3, we looked at differnet Maori items, such as ketes, fish hooks and other things. The Maori word for hook is Matau. There is also a flute that belonged to Tutanekai. The flute, Te Murirangaranga - was made out of Tutanekai's Father's right arm. I liked reading about Hatupatu and the Bird Woman!
In Gallery 4, we found out that a Pataka - a store house -, Te Oha, once held food a longish time ago. It has 4 spirals on it. It was so AWESOME!
In Gallery 5, the Europeans brought over to New Zealand was a rifle and a Coehorn Mortar. I had NO idea what it was talking about?!
In Gallery 6, we learnt about the Pink and White Terraces. There Maori names are Otukapuarangi - Pink Terraces - and Te Tarata for the White Terraces. I would LOVE to have since them before the eruption!
In Gallery 7, we learnt about Te Arawa at War. The B Company 28 Maori Battalion fought in World War 2. The soilders were sent out Dried Pipi's on string. It was used as edible chewing gum. Do soilders use it today ...NO! Miss New Zealand was 2 women but one of them is, Linda Ritchie. On a Teapot it said, Bath Building, Rotorua. Epi Shalfoon came from, Opitiki. There was a Disco Ball which was funnish!
in the North Wing, we had to look for a symbol which Eric gave Joan. We looked and read EVERYTHING until we went to the Basement ... OHHHHHH... and we found it! It was a Loveheart with their names inside it. We also found Brennan's shoe!
And Finally, The 8th Gallery. We found a gateway and when we left we dipped our fingers in water and flicked it over our shoulders to get rid of the Tapu.

Sunday 27 May 2012

40hr Famine

At the weekend, I did the 40hr Famine with Bree, Sophie and Hannah. Hannah and I did no tech and Bree and Sophie did Food / Tech. IT WAS GREAT FUN!! :)

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Fab Fitness

Today, we did a 1km road run. It SUCKED because we had the Hall this week and we had to run!! We froze our fingers OFF ( nearly!) We got a time of...

Monday 21 May 2012

Fitness - Prom Dancing!!

Today, we were doing Prom Dancing in the Hall for Fitness. We danced to Cotton Eyed Joe, Walk 500 Miles and Whenever, Wherever. It was fun! At the end, the Yr 8's had to show the Yr 7's how to do the Samba. : )

Thursday 17 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha - Chapter 22

WALT: Read and Proof Read Our Writing.
1. Describe this chapter
2. Reflect on this week's literacy using a PMI - the good, the bad and the interesting

1. This chapter was thrilling and exciting. In this chapter Eve is held hostage to Diz and Skulla's fist and if Matt doesn't find the Rothery Stone she will get hit. They find the Rothery Stone, and then when Diz is trying to find his diamond and Skulla is hypothesised to his, the ground exploded into mud and Jackson got badly burnt from the blast.

P - The Good
* The Explosion - Descriptive
* When they found The Rothery Stone - Exciting
* Holding Eve hostage - Thrilling

M - the Bad
* When they took them to the Mud Pool - Weak Description

I - The Interesting
* The Ending - Cliff Hanger Really Good

Frantic Fitness!!

Today we ran the same 1.5km. Me and Bree ran together again. We got a time of 8:34. We got 9 seconds OVER!! How did we get 9 seconds un-fit? Well, I ate lasagne at school and Bree had KFC and lollies after Rock Climbing. We are pretty fit though. :)

Wednesday 16 May 2012


This morning and yesterday, we ran a Road Run. Me and Bree yesterday got 8:85. Today we got 8:45. TWENTY SECONDS OFF!!!

Cry of the Taniwha - Chapter 20 & 21

WALT: Edit and Proof Read Our Writing.
1. What did Matt and Eve find?
2. Do you think that Matt and Eve should trust Ana? Why? Why not?
3. What do you think is going to happen?
1. Matt and Eve found the Diamonds in the Ponga Candlestick Handler. But not the Rothery Stone.
2. No. Because she helped WXK try to rob the dairy. And she had bruises on her arms and thigh. She also so looked scared and frightened at all the questions Matt and Eve asked.
3. I think that Cecil is going to call the Police and they will capture the Gang, but Ana comes out of the bush, Skulla grabs her and dangles her over the hot pool. Ana will get dropped into the hot pool and she dies of the serious burning from the heat. Matt and Eve will hook up and Jackson will be forever alone.
: (

Monday 14 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha - Chapter 19

WALT: Edit & Proof Read Our Writing.
1. Why did they go to the muesum?
2. What do you think might be special about the ponga?

1. Matt, Jackson and Eve went to the muesum to give Bill - Jackson's cousin - and the muesum crouirtor the box with the soverigns and Eve's research papers.
2. I think the ponga is special because ... Once Upon A Time, in a land a few cm away from here, the ponga was chopped down with a magical patu and was chopped by a magical maori person. It was pasted down from person to person, then one day it... DISAPPEARED!!!

Cry of the Taniwha - Chapter 18

WALT: Edit & Proof Read Our Writing
1. What does Eve do in this chapter?
2. What is going to happen next?
1.Eve talks to Dr. Ian McMillan about the samples and goes to his conference. They go on a tour around the science sample place. Eve, Jackson and Matt. She tricks a gang member to think that she found a diamond so they will look in the clearing, on a false trail.
2. I think that Eve will get kidnapped or something with the gang for not giving them the diamond/glass.The Gawk will do something stupid like trying to find the Rothney Diamond. Matt and Jackson will try and save Eve and Jackson gets never a life / death scenario. Matt goes back to where ever he came from and someone dies. Who dies... I don't no I'm not PYSCHIC!!!!!!

Sunday 13 May 2012

My Super Saturday & Sunday!!

On Friday, Treea Murphy - Olivia's Best friend Forever - came for a sleepover. After school, Me, Olivia and Sophie walked together with Oliver and Hannah to the JPC bus stop, a fence. Off the truck-bus came Treea and Me, Olivia and Ttreea walked off to the Baisley Rd Dairy were Mum was waiting for us, she sort of waited 22 minutes. That evening, Mum, Dad and Danny went to dinner at their friends and us girls had pizza, garlic bread, crisps and Snowballs for dinner. We watched Glee and The Garham Norton Show. 
On Saturday, we went shopping forMothers Day gifts. We got her red roses, chocolate and a photoframe. We ran into Mrs Harvey in Countdown. This teenager tried to rob two KitKat bars.
On Sunday, We let Mum have a lie-in and gave her breakfast-in-bed. At 9am or 9:30am, we took up her presents - red roses, chocolate, photoframe and photoalbum -. She was happy. For dinner, we put candles and her roses on the table. Dad made dinner and a cobbler for desert. I made her a chocolate/chesnut cake. IT WAS DFELICOUS!! After that Me and Olivia got a bath ready with candles. She LOVED it!!

Thursday 10 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha - Chapter 17

WALT:  Justify answers using information from text.

1. What is the Gawk's real name? ( Paragraph 1 & Pg. 128.)
2. Where does he live? (Paragraph 2 & Pg. 128.)
3. Why did he give the items back? ( Paragraph 8 & Pg. 128.)
4. Would you be worried if you were Matt? Why? ( Paragraph 2 & Pg. 129.)

1. The Gawk's real name is Cecil Hilton.
2. Cecil lives in an galvanized iron garage that was small and filthy.
3. Because Jackson scared him using the The Gang, WXK so if he didn't give back the golden soverigns or he will get bashed by Diz, Croak and Skulla.
4.  Yes. Because even though Jackson is his friend, he still acts tough, like Skulla. Basically, he is turning into Skulla bit by bit ... so YAH!!
Today we ran 1km again. Bree and I ran together and Olivia and Rangi ran together. Olivia and Rangi raced ahead and got a time of 4:40 and Bree and I got a time of 4:41. We bet yeterterday by 1.99999,9999,999,99,9 seconds!! WE ARE SUPER FIT!!! : D

Wednesday 9 May 2012

WALT: Find the meaning of words.
1. Find the meaning of the following words: console / briefly / bombarded / edition / pendent.
2. Find where each word is used during the chapter and give the page number paragraph number.
3. Wow me with an amazing sentence of your own.

 Sentences In the Story:

Console: gaming console Hone was getting for Matt and Jackson. ( Paragraph 1 & Pg. 116.)
Edition: Edition from the first week in September. ( Paragraph 2 & Pg. 117.)
Pendant: Women remebered seeing a beautiful pendent. ( Paragraph 3 & Pg. 117.)
Bombarded: She bombarded him with her results. ( Paragraph 10 & Pg. 116.)
Briefly: She reached out and briefly touched his arm. ( Paragraph 7 & Pg. 116.)


Console: Gaming console ( eg.- Playstation, Xbox.)

Edition: Edited or Published form of a book. Person or Thing similiar to each other.
Pendant: Jewel attached to a necklace.
Bombarded: Question or Talking consistantly.
Briefly: Of short duration.

Own Sentences:

Console: The brand-new, ulimate gaming console is ... $10,000.
Pendant: My Mother bought me the most fabulous, glimmering pendant you could ever set your eyes on.
Edition: WOW!! New Percy Jackson collection out today!! YAH!!
Bombarded: The Officer bombarded The Gawk with questions about his abnormal, sick behaviour.
Briefly: We briefly held our gaze ... Oh wait ... it's my Uncle Bob!!

Wonderful 1km!!

Yesterday, we created a maps of 1km, 2km, 3km and 4km and 5km. Today we ran a 1km created by Mrs Harvey. Bree, Olivia and I ran together and got a time of 4:45. WE ARE SOOO FIT!!

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha - Chapter 15

WALT: Justify answers using information from text.

1. Why did Hone get angry?
2. Predict what will happen next.

1. Hone was angry with Matt because he didn't tell Hone first thing it happened.
2. I predict that The Gawk - the perverted queer who stole Matt's metal decetor and soverigns - is related to Skulla and is in WXK, and he stole the metal decetor so Skulla and the gang could get the rest of the treasure. And Jackson gets bashed up by Diz for not going along in the robbery. Hone is Skulla's father, but when Skulla became bad, Hone banished him from the family and said " YOU ARE NO SON OF MINE!!" Eve and Matt get together in the end, if you know what I mean?!

Monday 7 May 2012

Beep Test - Redone!!

We just re-did the Beep Test because our second one was 15m instead of 20m. This time I got 12.1!! HOOARY!! First time I got... 7.9 and the second time I got 11.7!! I'm soo AWESOME!! :)
Woop Woop!!

Cry of the Taniwha - Chapter 14

WALT: Justify answers using information from text.


1. Why had Matt not slept well?
2. Why had Nan tell Matt that he was famous?
3. What happened to Matt in the Redwoods?
4. What did Eve find out?

1. Because Matt was worried about Jackson and the robbery. ( Paragraph 1- Pg. 99.)
2. Because Nan thought that it was really special and nice for Matt to be in the Newspaper. ( Paragraph 3 - Pg. 99.)
3. The Gawk had come back in revenge for when Matt stopped the lovers being spied on be the perverted queer, so The Gawk took Matt's metal decetor and the nine gold soveriegns. ( Paragraph 4 - Pg. 102.)
4. Eve found out that Jack Boult was the skeleton and that Jack Boult stole the huge diamond pendant. 

Fantastic Fitness!!

Today for fitness, Waiteti Learning Center ran around the perimeter of the Mokoia Intermediate School field,. I ran 3 laps of the field. On the last lap I started to get the stitch. So EXHAUSTED!!!

Sunday 6 May 2012

Speech and Powerpoint for Topic!!

For my Topic I will be doing, Hurricanes!! We have three weeks to create a three minute speech and a powerpoint. Really excited!! I'm going to be on Monday!! : )

Cry of the Taniwha - Chapter 13

WALT- Justify answers using information from the text.
1. How does Matt feel about Juzza?
2. Who is Gawk?
3. What was Gawk doing?

1.Matt still has mixed emotions about Juzza because one minute Juzza helps Matt and is really nice and the next, he goes off to Skulla and robs the bank or gets bashed up. And he does not no that WXK is using him.
2. Gawk is a strange, twisted perv. He has orange hair that is styled in a 90's style had has a pimply face and long, lanky legs. He was wearing a tropical T-shirt and tight, short shorts.
3. The Gawk was spying on the two lovers on the bike trail. ( Such a QUEER!!)


My claws cling to the rough tree bark. I move as fast as a tortoise after a leaf of lush lettuce. The leave is just above my fluffy, gray head. My huge, hairy ears picked up sound from trees away. My black, strong nose smelt the sweet, sweet leaves up in the canopy of the tree. The sun shone down like diamonds though the brown, scared branches. My three fingers wrapped and a thick, green leaf. I pulled with all of my koala like strength. Got it!! It flew into my mouth. MUNCH!! Yum Yum!!

My Random, Boring Weekend!!

On Saturday, my family and I went into town to look at BORING kitchens. We went out to Couplands Bakery first and bought six delicous, iced doughnuts to munch. Olivia had a Hokey-Pokey Goldrush. Danny had a Smiley Faced one. And I had a chocolate creme' centered one. They were DELICOUS and SCUMMY!! After that, my Mum and Dad drove us around shop after shop, looking at kitchens and wallpaper for their bedroom.
On Sunday, we went apple picking at the Rose Garden, out were Olivia's best friend, Treea lives on a farm. After we went apple picking, we went of to Treea's and stayed for the afternoon there. Olivia and Treea showed me around the farm. We saw cows, chickens and baby calves. We also played in the barn on the hay. 
And that's the end, Tah Dah!!

Thursday 3 May 2012

The Fox's nose pushed me back against the tree's gnarled and twisted trunk. His breath stunk of rotten meat and skunk. The Fox's auburn coat was covered in pine resin, twigs and dried clay mud. My little heart beated harder and harder in my chest. Suddenly I hear a roar... a bear roar. The fox whimpered. He shrink away into his den staring into my soul. The bear stepped into the ivy twined clearing. I stared to quiver in fright. He looked around, looking for berries to munch. his nose twitches. He looks at me. I look at him. He roars...

Cry of the Taniwha - Chapter 11 & 12

WALT: Write informative, interesting sentences.
Who are the following people?

Louise Miller: Mary Basham's Mother who handed down the golden locket to her daughter before she past way.
Edward Basham: Mary Basham's Husband who's dewpoit box was taken by Jack Boult in Rotorua before the Tarawera Eruption.

Mary Basham: Edward Basham's Wife who travels around the world with her very rich husband and takes tours of the night sky.
Scott Murray: Also known as 'Skulla', is the leader of WXK. He was in Hone's football team. He was described as determined, fearless and fast.

Eve: Stays At the hotel were Matt Logan uses the computer. She is staying att the Hotel with her family for a few weeks before she goes back to herr home town, Margaret River.

Ian McMillan: Scienctist who is covering the ' body found by the mud-pool's ' case who is now studing the rocks from the Pink and White Terraces. And the water from there aswell.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Me...A Baby Giraffe

I open my eyes. The bright, white sun shone into my eyes. Colour came, figures formed. My mother looked into my eyes. I saw my reflection in hers. My frown melted away as Ii looked into her amber, toffee-like eyes. Elephants trumpeted, lions roared... I was in the savanna...

Quote of the Day!!

Quote of the Day: It's true aswell!! Sometime you have to burst out laughing!! And plus I like the colours!! LOL (:

Tuesday 1 May 2012

I really love this quote about best friends because it tell's you that you only have one life to live and you should make mistakes because that and everything else make a GREAT life...

Cry of the Taniwha - Chapter 9 &10

WALT - Write informative, interresting sentences.
1. Find the meaning of the following words: Caucasian, complexsion, absence, sovereigns, resistant and corrosion.
2. Use each word in an informative, interesting sentences.

Caucasian -  Of the so-called white or light-skinned race.
Complexsion - Natural colour, texture and appearance of the skin.
Absence - State of being away.
Sovereigns - British gold coin nominally worth a one pound.
Resistant - Resisting to comply.
Corrosion - Process of corroding, of a rusting metal.

Caucasion: the missing person was a Caucasion male, 35.
Complexsion: The girl's complexsion was rough, bumpy and red.
Absence: The absence of the boy took the class dearly.
Sovereigns: Their eyes glittered at the sight of the golden sovereigns.
Resistant: The diamond box was resistant to the girl's hands.
Corrosion: After 2 weeks, my sliver bangles were corrosioned to rust.