Monday 14 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha - Chapter 18

WALT: Edit & Proof Read Our Writing
1. What does Eve do in this chapter?
2. What is going to happen next?
1.Eve talks to Dr. Ian McMillan about the samples and goes to his conference. They go on a tour around the science sample place. Eve, Jackson and Matt. She tricks a gang member to think that she found a diamond so they will look in the clearing, on a false trail.
2. I think that Eve will get kidnapped or something with the gang for not giving them the diamond/glass.The Gawk will do something stupid like trying to find the Rothney Diamond. Matt and Jackson will try and save Eve and Jackson gets never a life / death scenario. Matt goes back to where ever he came from and someone dies. Who dies... I don't no I'm not PYSCHIC!!!!!!


  1. I believe that the diamond is the Rothery Diamond. Amazing Kate. Great work. ☺ ♥

  2. Thankz Hannah!!♥ Your work is all-right to!! HAHAHAHA ☺
