Tuesday 1 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha - Chapter 9 &10

WALT - Write informative, interresting sentences.
1. Find the meaning of the following words: Caucasian, complexsion, absence, sovereigns, resistant and corrosion.
2. Use each word in an informative, interesting sentences.

Caucasian -  Of the so-called white or light-skinned race.
Complexsion - Natural colour, texture and appearance of the skin.
Absence - State of being away.
Sovereigns - British gold coin nominally worth a one pound.
Resistant - Resisting to comply.
Corrosion - Process of corroding, of a rusting metal.

Caucasion: the missing person was a Caucasion male, 35.
Complexsion: The girl's complexsion was rough, bumpy and red.
Absence: The absence of the boy took the class dearly.
Sovereigns: Their eyes glittered at the sight of the golden sovereigns.
Resistant: The diamond box was resistant to the girl's hands.
Corrosion: After 2 weeks, my sliver bangles were corrosioned to rust.

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