Wednesday 24 October 2012

Dear diary,
Okay today in came that creep, Adolf Hitler. I mean, who calls their kid Adolf ?? Weird. Anyway, there he is struting like a rooster, how they do like they own the place. He looks at my Jew necklace. He spits on the ground at my feet, "Sie ekelhaften Juden. Sie sollten nicht in Deutschland noch irgendwo auf der Welt sein!" Which simply means 'You disgusting Jew. You should not be in Germany nor anywhere in the world!' Racist much! Speaking both Hebrew and German, I answer with dignity. "Die Deutschen sind so leichtgläubig, um vor ihren Nasen zu sehen! Sie manipulieren ihren Köpfen und drehen Sie sie in Ihre dunklen, bösen und grausamen Wege! Sie verdienen es, im Gefängnis sein! Verlassen Sie die Juden allein!" Again translated into: 'Germans are so gullible to see in front of their noses! You manipulate their minds and twist them into your dark, evil and cruel ways! You deserve to be in prison! Leave the Jews alone!' He snarled but was pushed forward. Ha! What a Verlierer.

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