Wednesday 24 October 2012

The Machine Gunners: Chapter 3-5

1. Chas spilt ink onrto Cem pants so that his friend didn't give away the answer and he wrote that Boddser Brown had the No. 1 collection and he has the 2nd best.
2. Chas' Dad doesn't ask him because hethinks that the police can't be trusted. And he is not cross with Chas because he is furious with the police that came round.
3. The authorities are concerned because the gun is loaded and the person with the gun could kill 20 people without realising.
4. They think that it's a kid because when the war started, kids have been taking sounveirs from airplanes, etc. It has to be a Grammar school kid because Primary kids won't take that much time preparing to get the gun.
5. The police don't look in the rabbit hutch because the dad watching and it's a rabbit hutch. If it was light they would look I think. There are live bullets in there. To be honest, I feel sorry for the bunny. :'(

* I'm learning that Chas I a try hard. He's like trying to be the best at crashed stuff and yep. But he's pretty alright.
* Boddser's a sick jerk because he went thought a dead mans pocket.
* I think that Boddser will somehow find out about the gun and beat up Chas for tnot telling him about it or something, so, yep.
* The story is wrote from a third person's point of view.

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